School name: Jana Adarsha School
High Altitude School Hostel (3000m) at Thasang, Mustang

Designing a school in Thasang village, Mustang, which is located at an altitude of 3000m, presented unique challenges such as cold climate, water scarcity and lack of proper construction materials. To overcome these challenges, we focused on maximizing the utilization of sunlight and utilizing local materials.
We incorporated multi-layered glass to trap heat and keep the building warm. Another challenge we had to overcome was the limited availability of water, as many sources freeze during the winter . We addressed this issue by implementing the use of VIP toilets (Ventilated Improved Pits Toilet), which greatly reduced the amount of water required for sanitation purposes by drying the soil and in turn the remaings can be utilized as fertilizers for the less fertile land in this high altitude.

VIP toilets are designed to make use of solar radiation to activate the stack ventilation system to make the toilets odorless from the decomposition of waste in the pit below. The compost is used as excellent fertilizer for farming. There are two pits in the design, when one is filled it is closed to decompose and the next one is used simultaneously throughout the year
School Hostel design for Jana Adarsha Madyamik Vidyalaya,
Loction: Thasang, Mustang